A lot of my friends know that one of our sons, Justin, is in the Air Force. He started out in the Air National Guard. His goal was always to get his education, which Uncle Sam paid for while he was in the Guard, then to go full time Air Force and become a pilot. His dream is on the way to becoming reality. He has been full time Air Force since June of 2009, very shortly after he married his sweetheart, Amanda Wallis, in May.
I hate to brag, really. But I am so proud of him. He had his solo flight Friday, February 19 in a T-6. The program that he is in, as far as I am told by a letter from Lieutenant Colonel Andrew R Brabson, the Commander for the 41st Flying Training Squadron at Columbus Air Force Base in Mississippi, is a 52 week Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training. He should graduate, as far as I am told, sometime in December. I hope to be there.
I so admire Justin because he decided what he wanted to do with his life, and he has set his focus on it and is going for it. I know there has been great stress for him through this process, and it isn't over yet. It is a high stress pursuit, for sure! And I am so glad that his beautiful wife is there to see him through this time. She is wonderful. (I hear she got up at 5:45 the morning of his solo flight to bake monster cookies. Doesn't she sound like a wonderful wife?) It is a load off my mind that she is there with him through this time.
Stay tuned for further updates. Love to Justin and Amanda. Also, hearty congratulations.
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